NoticeBy downloading this application, you agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service of Wizard George Software. Notes on Bass Guitar-PremiumThis application will teach you: • Note positions on strings and frets. • Note sounds. • Scales.
This application does not provide the ability to practice the finger movements to: • Strike strings to voice notes. • Fret strings.
The simulated bass guitar provides: • Standard EADG tuning or Drop-D. • Half of a long-neck fretboard. • 13 semitones per string, with lowest or highest pitched sounds. • Gold arrows in bass guitar image show current set of sounds.
To voice a note, tap the associated rectangle between the frets or above the Nut line that surround a string. Do this to match the notes in each turn while playing the game. When not playing the game, do this to have some fun!
GoalThe goal is to get the highest score.
Game • Tap Play to begin. • One or more notes will be voiced at start of each turn. •; You have one, two or three tries to correctly identify each note. • If you were incorrect, the correct notes will be voiced and highlighted. • Over time the level will change to increase the difficulty of play. • Tap + or - to manually change the level. • Levels control the tuning, the number of notes per turn and voicing of drum notes.
ScalesScales all start with the root note (I) and define seven more notes (II - VIII) with the last being the octave note above the root note.
Scales in the GameIn the game, the turns with two or more notes choose those notes from a randomly selected scale and root note. These notes, which always includes the root note (I) as first or last in the set, sometimes repeat. Here are two examples that show the reuse of notes: V, III, V, I and I, III, III, I
Scales ModeThe Scales Mode allows you to observe the specific notes within a scale. • Select any note as the root note. • Select the scale type from: major, natural minor, harmonic minor or melodic minor . • Numerals are shown for the eight ascending notes, root (I) through octave (VIII). • The names are shown for each note. • Delta-semitones are shown for each note. • Tap Play Scale to have the eight ascending notes in the selected scale voiced and highlighted. • You may play the notes on the bass guitar when not playing a scale.
Scales Help describes what you do to play the eight descending notes in a scale.